Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Ahh, another thing to add to my guilt!
Okay, it’s been way too long and the holidays are long past, and I haven’t posted anything for a long time.
I am not much of a New Year’s resolution maker. I set goals randomly throughout the year.This year I decided to be average, typical, and boring and resolve to get my weight down and my health up. Again, thinking about exercising is not as beneficial as really doing it (but wow if it was I’d be in excellent shape). I did think about my health and fitness level for two weeks, constantly, especially every time I put jeans on after they were washed and dried. What I needed was a kickstart...and not a heart attack.
Recently, I met up with my running partner from several years ago. She called me and asked if I wanted to do a spin class with her. Hmm, this might just be the thing to fuel my motivation. I am highly motivated by guilt - guilt if I let down a friend, not myself mind you, but I don’t let down friends. If I tell a friend that I am going to do something with her, something that she will be truly depending on me to do with her, then I will always do it. So, I said, “Sure, I’ll check it out.” Now, I have never taken a spin class, but I have heard about them. And what I have heard is that they are tough, but also a great workout. I’m thinking I can sit on a bike and pedal to music...
So, off I went to my first spin class...alone.The friend who initiated my guilt couldn’t start the class for another week.I accepted her challenge of checking out the class by myself.  Himself and the kids were amused at my decision to take a spin class, but definitely supportive.  
The class is held at the local high school. I found the cycling room (by following a woman with a water bottle and towel) and my eyes met with a sea of stationary bikes. Hmm, does one pick “their” bike? Is there a good location? Near the door? What if it is “someone else’s bike” already?  I joined this class a week after it first started and was told that, apparently, spinners can get particular about which bikes they use and like to use the same one each time. Something about getting the bike adjusted just right. Since the class was held at the high school, and the bikes were used every day in PE, I wasn’t sure this could be an issue, but I was alert for the signs that I was taking someone’s coveted bike.
The class was small, but feeling a bit out of my comfort zone, I picked out a bike that was located in the back row, away from the other spinners, and none of the latecomers seemed peeved I was on “their bike”. The instructor made sure it was adjusted to my height and then, I was on my own. Apparently, there is a special language spinners know...add more road, let out road, sprint, etc. Should I have asked a few questions on terminology? Of course, but I’m an intelligent woman and “I don’t need no stinking instructions!” 
First thing I noticed...my shoelaces were clicking on the bike frame...irritating little clicks every time I pedaled. I wasn’t the only one clicking so, okay, I’ll deal with it next time. There is no downtime during the class to make these adjustments, or maybe I was too self-conscious to do anything about it.
Second thing I noticed...I have rather strong negative feelings about bike seats. They are terribly uncomfortable- no matter how they are designed. This feeling has prevented me from taking a spin class in the past. See how dedicated I am to my friends?
Well this just says it all.
Perhaps my excess thigh girth is to blame, but by the end of the class I was feeling a painful chafing on my left inner thigh and was consistently numb anywhere my butt met the seat. Not much I could do about the chafing until the class was over, and the numbness would not be permanent (or at least I am under the impression that no permanent damage could occur). I just needed to buck up and endure “the burn”, right?  No, after enduring “the burn” I have now promised myself that I will stop and make some serious adjustments if I have that feeling again. Egads, I am seriously chafed, like a rope burn. I am going to have to put a large bandaid over the area for tonight’s class.

Third thing I noticed...I am a weak wobbly mess! All that thinking about exercising did nothing for my endurance and strength. Not that I really thought it would, but I like to think that my mind is a powerful device and can command my body to obey. The truth hit me like a concrete wall when the instructor said, “put on more road”, and “stand and pedal for one minute.” My first thought was, “I should be able to do this.” The mind said yes, parts of my body said, “Okay, we’ll give it a try,” but my legs screamed, “What possible exercise in our recent past gives you the green light to think we can do this?” 
Pedaling while standing is much, much harder than I thought it would be. After realizing my legs were not strong enough and I really was in danger of falling off the bike, I sat down on that seat from hell and pedaled along, glad I was in the back row and my failure at standing was not readily seen. Sitting on my sore butt, chafing away, I couldn’t help thinking, “Well, when I’m on my real bike and going up a hill, I shift down so the pedaling is easier, so why do I have to “add road” and stand up to pedal?” Because this is an exercise class stupid!
Found this Spiderflex seat on 
Would it be weird to bring
my own seat to Spin Class?
After more than 50 minutes of sweaty pedaling, chafing and feeling the rings of fat that circle my hips slap up and down with each stroke, the instructor had us dismount for some stretches. I’ve always had a bit of trouble standing steady and walking after a real bike ride, and this was no different. Hmm, perhaps this is the real reason they call it a “spin” class.
Overall, the spin class was successful. I now feel muscles that have been dormant for almost a year (okay, maybe longer). It felt good to sweat again. Although I know it takes six weeks for results to show up after starting to run, I don't know how long effects from spinning will take. Will this class prompt me to do more exercise? My mind says, “Yes!” in a happy strong voice. My butt answers, “I don’t know. Maybe. I’ll let you know once I have feeling again.”