Wednesday, September 7, 2011


This is a follow-up to my August 26 post where I relived the time, many months ago, when I attempted to register the KIA, aka generic SUV. If you like ironies, and who doesn’t?...I did find the “plain white envelope”, eventually, sandwiched between some gift boxes in the closet. Apparently, that is where it has been for the past three or so months. I haven’t a clue how it got there, and probably never will. In a rare instance of cleaning out the closet, the envelope fell onto the floor. I grabbed it up, looked in, and actually squealed as I ran into Himself’s office, where I stated, “I found it!” and started ripping it to shreds. After a brief reminisce of how much trouble this document had caused me, I swept up the shreds and threw them in the recycling bin.  
Should have been “end of story”, right?  Not in this house. That night, I popped up from a sound sleep. I didn’t really check over the document inside the envelope, before ripping it to shreds, to verify it was the missing title. Maybe it was the “real title.” I assumed it was the missing one that I was gleefully ripping to pieces (yes, yes, I know: When you assume, you make an ass of u and me).  Not wanting to wake up Himself or the kids as I searched the house for the “real title” or scavenged outside in the recycling bin at midnight for scraps of whatever I ripped up, I let myself go back to sleep knowing that trash day was still a few days away. Plenty of time for confirmation.
Except that I forgot all about it the next morning, and the following day. I remembered the evening before trash day, and was rummaging around the recycling bin as the sun sank into the fog bank. Wow, I shredded that document into really small pieces!  Really small pieces that had fallen through really small spaces into the nether layers below, through butter wrappers, sour cream containers, yogurt cups, etc.  After too long rummaging through icky plastic and paper, I did find enough shreds to confirm that it was the missing title-the “cost me an extra $300” missing title. Oh yeah for me. Again, this should have been the end of the story, right?  Nope, not yet.
Confirming that I had indeed shredded the “too late to use it” title, it became important that I view the “real title” too, and now.  Well, of course, it wasn’t where it “should” have been, among the other vehicle titles, birth certificates, etc.  Did I panic?  Nope, I stayed calm, realizing I didn’t really need to know where the title was until I wanted to sell the vehicle, and by that time-hopefully many years from now-it could be honestly “lost” or “misplaced” without any connection to me. This future excuse would not work if I asked Himself if he had put it somewhere. It was time to let the matter rest.
Follow-up to the follow-up: The “real title” surfaced recently during another spontaneous cleaning out of a cabinet. Yep, there it was...on the shelf tucked between the dog and cat flea control packages, next to the supply of new checks.  And that is where it will stay, for now, since somehow its location must make perfect sense to some part of my brain.  Of course, I may not have been the person who stuck it there, but if I ask, I will expose my lack of knowing where it was in the first place.  Best to let shedding (sleeping?) dogs lie, or is that lay?

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